dimanche 14 décembre 2008

This is Christmas to me Part I: Michael-AK 2008

This is Christmas to me: Part I Michael AK2008

Time to live again

A life recent, past and distant
Immortalized in my memories
My beloved uncle
Who taught me life lessons
That anchored me on a strong foundation
The realization of myself and
The meaning of me
Dear nephew he says:
You are a small sheaf of this universe
But an important piece that
You are the reflections
Of the people who love you

Time to live again

A life recent, past and distant
Immortalized in my memories
A great compound of picket fences
Filled with flowers and evergreens and
Silent prayers of a tender Grand mother
Counting her shiny rosemary
Elohe Elohe
Thank you Lord the merciful
For the good fortune and
For the birth of the child and
The promise to save your servant
Elohe Elohe

Time to live again
A life recent, past and distant
Immortalized in my memories
A mother’s love
Uninhibited and selfless love
Undiminished by time
The first to wake up, last to sleep
Her soft melody of praises of saint Marry
Her Prayers to bless her family and
To ease the fever of her ill baby

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